Personal Training
All personal training sessions are 60-minute one-on-one and include a meal plan to ensure you have the proper tools to be successful!!!
Pricing varies based on the trainer's experience level
Contest Prep (Available online)
Contest prep for 12 weeks includes: workouts, meal plans with adjustments, supplementation & posing.
Contest Prep - 1 on 1
Contest prep for 12 weeks includes: 36 hands-on training sessions, meal plans with adjustments, supplementation, posing, and discounted rates on suits.
30-Day Jumpstart Meal & Cardio Plan
This 30 Jumpstart meal plan is custom designed for the individual based on their body type. It includes all foods, supplements and cardio regimen needed to kickstart their metabolism
* No refunds on any personal training packages
Liberty Hill HOURS for Tour:
Monday through Friday 8am-730pm
Saturday 9am-6pm
Sunday 10am-6pm
Monday thru Friday 9am-12p/3-730pm